You can try newer versions of FFmpeg but I tried one about a month ago and it had the same bug :( "/Applications/Universal Media Server.app/Contents/Resources/osx/ffmpeg" -y -loglevel info -hwaccel auto -threads 1 -i "/Volumes/Tatooine/TV Shows/Maniac/." -filter_complex "subtitles=/Volumes/Tatooine/TV Shows/Maniac/.:si=0" -threads 10 -bufsize 31250k -maxrate 31250k -crf 19 -ab 640k -c:a ac3 -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -level 31 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mpegts file.ts Please try running this from the command line and see how long it takes to actually start transcoding: We can see in the logs that we are just waiting for FFmpeg to return something for us. I think it is because in some cases, FFmpeg internally extracts the subtitles for the whole file before it can use them, and that takes a long time. I think this might unfortunately be a FFmpeg bug I've seen before where it just takes a very long time to initialize the subtitles.
Not sure if that's a bug with the PS4 Media Player or UMS. The Finnish subtitles option (the next one after the English subtitles option in the listing) showed the Finnish flag with a white border.

It showed the Finnish flag with a black border around it instead of the British flag like I would expect. Interestingly, when I was testing this to generate the log file, I noticed that, in the #TRANSCODE# menu, the ffmpeg English subtitles option had the wrong flag icon.

(MEncoder doesn't seem to work either, as I reported in issue #1593.) This is with the "Defer to MEncoder when transcoding problematic subtitles" option turned off in the ffmpeg Transcoding Settings, by the way. The only way to get it to play is to go into the directory's "#TRANSCODE#" menu and explicitly select the FFmpeg option without any subtitles. If I try to play an mkv file with multiple embedded subtitle tracks that requires transcoding using ffmpeg on my PS4, it doesn't work. Just never got around to reporting it until now. This is with UMS 7.4.0, but I had the same issue with 7.3.0 and 7.3.1, fwiw.